The DC Area Storytellers are a group of authors of multiple genres residing in or near the Washington, DC area. Published within the fields of romance, science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, fiction and non-fiction, this diverse group of authors offers a wide range of works for readers to savor.

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Jean Marie's Capclave Schedule

Thursday, October 13, 2011
With no Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading in sight (sob), this year's Capclave schedule is a peach. I'll be participating in just three program items

Friday, 7 p.m.
Magical Worlds--The various uses of magic in fantasy, science fiction, horror and mainstream fiction. From the Force to spells, the panel will also look at unique forms of magic in a variety of books. Panelists: Danny Birt, Stuart Jaffe (moderator) and Jean Marie Ward

Saturday, 8 p.m.
Capclave Mass Autograph Session--A gathering of all the Capclave authors in one place, ready to sign books and chat!

Saturday, 9 p.m.
Washington Science Fiction Association Small Press Award and Party--Join us for the announcement of the winner of the
WSFA Small Press Award. There will also be some other surprises revealed, plus cake! (Have I mentioned I'm nominated? With Capclave guests of honor Carrie Vaughn and Catherynne M. Valente? And Sarah Monette? And Jack McDevitt? And RJ Astruc? (You can't see it on the page, but my grin's reeeeeeaaaaaalllly wide right now. :D Heck yeah, there will be cake! And photos, too.)

This leaves me a lot of time to hang with friends, take pictues and, hopefully, shoot a few new author videos for Buzzy. So drop by and take in a few panels--they don't even have to be mine. You'll be glad you did. Promise!


The annual Dragon*Con photo blog

Saturday, September 24, 2011
For those of you who view clicking through picture galleries with the same horror our parents reserved for slide shows of Aunt Ermintrude's trip to the Catskills, today's post at Beyond the Veil is for you. I've cherry-picked some of my best photos of Dragon*Con 2011 and wrapped them in the lightest of all possible con reports. And there isn't a panel table anywhere in sight. Enjoy!

Jean Marie


"Lord Bai's Discovery" nominated for WSFA Small Press Award

Friday, September 16, 2011
This one totally blew me away. Lord Bai's Discovery" from the anthology Dragon's Lure has made the short list for the Washington Science Fiction Association's 2011 Small Press Award, along with stories by Sarah Monette, Carrie Vaughn, Jack McDevitt, Catherynne M. Valente and RJ Astruc. The awards will be presented at Capclave, October 14-16, in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

I'm still pinching myself--to think my story about a foodie dragon is being read in such company... I may need a glass of champagne just to calm down.

And to think the only news I thought I'd have today was the posting of Michael Swanwick's Balticon interview. Which you should totally read. He's one of the best raconteur's ever. Then you can go back to watching me shriek and caper around the computer. :D


New Release - CE4: Anguished Lover by Zenobia Renquist

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Caveat Emptor 4: Anguished Lover
by Zenobia Renquist

Changeling Press

eBook ISBN: 978-1-60521-674-4
Genre: Erotic, Paranormal/Fantasy, Vampire, Action/Adventure, BBW, Interracial, Magic
Price: $3.49

To save their love, Sicily may have to sacrifice her life.

Sicily has volunteered to put herself on the front lines in the vampires' fight against the mages. Lamon has no choice but to go with her to keep her safe. When the worst happens, Sicily has to find out just what she's willing to sacrifice to save the lives of her lover and her friends.

Buy Now:

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Jean Marie's Dragon*Con Schedule Has Landed

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
One of the best things about being a writer is being able to post a convention schedule. Not only is it a measure of your achievement, it also means you’ll be seeing your long distance friends. And when the schedule happens to be for Dragon*Con, well, let the party begin!

Friday, September 1

11:30 AM: Just the Facts, Ma'am
Description: Non-fiction is a market that needs good writers. If this appeals to you, come listen to these pros tell you how to make it happen.
M Chapman, G. D. Falksen, John L. Flynn, Anya Martin, and Jean Marie Ward
Location: Manila / Singapore / Hong Kong - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)

8:30 PM: New and Next Weird
Description: New weird, mash-up, slipstream, interstitial, crossover... what does the future of "genre" hold, especially for the darker fringes of fantasy?
Lou Anders, Stephen H. Segal, Ann VanderMeer, Jeff Vandermeer, and Jean Marie Ward
Location: Cairo - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)

10 PM: Broad Universe Reading
Description: Quick cuts read by some by the women authors of Broad Universe
Gail Z. Martin, Jody Lynn Nye, Jean Marie Ward, Trisha Wooldridge (moderator) and many more.
Location: Greenbriar - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)

Sunday, September 4

1 PM: Broad Universe Reading Part 2
Description: More great reads by the women authors of Broad Universe.
Gail Z. Martin, Jean Marie Ward and many more.
Location: Fairlie - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)

Monday, September 5

11:30 AM: Win, Lose or Draw - SF and Fantasy Style
Description: A replay of our popular game show where your job is to draw sf and fantasy names and phrases to get others to guess them. Prizes available.
MC: Jean Marie Ward
Location: Fairlie - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)

Hope to see you there!

Jean Marie


Wenches and Tails: Authors After Dark Con Pics

Thursday, August 18, 2011

There will be a lot of recaps about the Authors After Dark convention in Philadelphia. Heck, I did at least three myself, two while I was there. But for me, the major highlight was seeing some of my DCAS peeps, like:

Melissa Schroeder (on the right, next to Eliza Gayle)

I'm not going to go into too much detail, but it felt like one giant party the entire time we were there.

Robert, PJ, me and Hel, one of the event staff and a friend of PJ's.

Okay, I think she was a geisha. I'm probably wrong, though. 

A kitsune and a geisha (Stephanie) at the Mythos Ball. That tail of mine kept getting stuck in the elevator doors.

And tail jokes abounded...

Every time we saw each other she tried to steal my cane. Woman's about two feet taller than me. I'm a freakin' Hobbit next to her. But she still wanted my awesome cane. (Psst... I got it in Epcot's World Showcase!)

Why do I keep thinking Raoul and Christine of Phantom of the Opera?

I'm not certain what PJ was going for, but she looked good. So did her arm candy, who is also a really sweet guy. And damn, can he dance! I admit, I has a jealous. Dusty just wiggles his butt and his arms. Sometimes just his arms. 

We don't dance much.

PJ in her Steampunk/Wench outfit. She fit right in.

I think the theme of the Steampunk Ball was Steampunk Wench/Pirate/Belly Dancer/Southern Belle. If you hit one of those four, you fit right in.

Hel, PJ, D. Renee and Stephanie

Steph did a steampunk pirate queen, and I did a posh Victorian alchemist with a hot cowboy on my arm named...

I did not fit in. Silly non-Wench/Pirate/Belly Dancer/Southern Belle.

Dusty. Yup, I talked him into going to an event with me. We had a blast with PJ and Steph, but we wound up leaving the hotel that night due to me being broken (I'm looking at you, Murphy bed!) 

Note to self: I have to remind Dusty that, when tightening my corset, breathing is not an option. It's a necessity. I don't look that good in blue.

And, in case you wondered, Monica Burns was at the convention, too. I saw her swirl by at least once; woman was damn busy. I think we managed to get in a wave and a smile before we were off and running again. I tried hunting down a pic of her at the con to post, but she moved so fast she was breaking the sound barrier.

All in all, I'd say we had a very good time. We were exhausted by the time it was all over, but what made it special was getting to see not only the new faces I always meet at a con, but being able to hang a bit with people I always have a good time with.


The Annual Pre-Dragon*Con Blog

Saturday, July 30, 2011
Didn't want anybody to miss my annual pre-Dragon*Con blog. Dragon*Con is 25 this year, and in honor of the occasion its all about the new, as my Saturday Seven shows. Naturally, there are pictures. I just wish I had the one with me in the sarong. Cheers!

Jean Marie
